Alpha Wolf Defender (Alpha Wolves Book 0) Read online

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  “What about you?” she asked.

  “It’s clear I can take care of myself,” he chuckled, “besides, I’ll have a different girl at my bedside before long.”

  Tess would have laughed, but instead she just felt a guilty tear form at the corner of her eye. She pressed it away with her palm and gave her brother another hug.

  “I swear I’ll call the moment I find somewhere,” she said.

  “You better,” Alex replied.

  Tess stood and left the room as silently as she could. The floor creaked with each step and the door loudly signaled her exit. She hadn’t noticed at first but her father was waiting on the other side of the door.

  “Sneaking off, I see,” he joked.

  Tess laughed uncomfortably.

  “I thought I might bring some food to our prisoner outside?” she said, nervously.

  Her father grunted his approval and Tess sidled against the wall to get around her dad.

  “Is he okay?” he asked.

  Tess paused. She’d nursed her brother back from broken bones before, and never had her father signaled his worry, but somehow he did this time.

  “He’s awake and talking,” Tess said, “if that’s what you mean.”

  Her father slumped into a chair beside the door.

  “Good,” he said.

  Tess readied herself to leave but in her confusion she sought answers.

  “You can go in and talk to him,” she said, “why don’t you?”

  Her father bellowed out a chuckle.

  “You really think he wants to talk to me?” he wondered, “I’ve been a terrible father, I wouldn’t be surprised if he hates me.”

  “I wouldn’t say that-”

  “He does,” her father interrupted, “I’m sure he wants nothing to do with me after all the trouble I’ve given him over the years. I’ve been wrongly neglecting him the love he needs. I’ll just wait here until he’s ready to come out.”

  Tess leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. For being such a confident leader, he wasn’t exactly acting the part. Tess took a step toward her father.

  “He only ever wanted your approval,” she said, reassuring him.

  “Somehow I doubt that,” he harrumphed.

  “Why do you think he keeps trying to be like you?” Tess asked, “He jumped in the way of two charging bears just to protect his sister. He wants to be just like his overly-protective father.”

  He pulled out a pipe and knocked out the remains of his smoke from before; then carefully refilled it with a pinch of tobacco from a small bag in his pocket. He lit the pipe with a match he struck on the wall and pensively sat, staring at the opposite wall.

  “I know I should have paid more attention to him, but he reminds me too much of your mother,” he said.

  He shook his head.

  “Never mind that now,” he continued, “go serve the prisoner.”

  Tess took a step down the stairs but paused and looked back at her father.

  “He does love you, don’t forget that. Try going a bit easier on him.” She continued down the stairs.

  The house was busy with people shuffling about and tending to wounded. The makeshift hospital was small but they made do with what was available. Tess found herself in the kitchen, putting together a small tray of food for Connor before returning to the outdoors.

  One of the guardsmen was chatting up a woman, she was giggling from his advances and Tess rolled her eyes at the mushy display. She did manage to catch sight of a stack of keys, dangling from his belt.

  Tess looked around the kitchen, which was empty except for them. She reached out her hand and tugged lightly at the keys. They budged a tiny bit but not enough to come free. The guard moved and Tess leapt back to the tray of food, hoping she wouldn’t get caught.

  He managed to get an arm around the girl he was trying so hard to impress. In his distraction, Tess tried again. Ever so gently she pulled on the ring but then a sudden clomping of boots resounded at the door to the kitchen.

  The guard turned swiftly and the keys came loose into Tess’s hand. She pulled herself back to the tray of food.

  “Alex has finally woken up, and the person that’s supposed to be bringing him food is down here flirting with a guard? You get back to work,” she said, pointing at the duo. The guardsman stumbled past her in a fright to return to his post.

  Tess snuck the keys into her pocket and lifted the tray. With a flash of a smile she pushed past the caretaker and made her way outside.

  The moon was just beginning to light up the night sky. Tomorrow night would be a full moon, and the night when the wolves would be at their strongest. She stepped along the hard ground, still a little wet from the day’s rain, until she was at the cages.

  Connor perked up.

  “Howdy, Tess,” the guard from before said.

  “Evenin’,” she replied, “I think I can handle this one from here.”

  “I won’t be far if you need anything,” he replied, “but keep a close eye on him.”

  Connor shifted and Tess could easily see the wound at his side. It mirrored the one she had received herself. Just looking caused hers to sting.

  “I brought you some food,” she said, lifting the tray to the cage.

  Connor’s muzzle reached out and devoured what was provided.

  “I see you haven’t had a chance to eat,” she said.

  Connor shook his head.

  Tess walked up close, so nobody could hear.

  “I gotta get you out of here,” she said.

  Connor looked at her and shook his head.

  “I don’t think I can stand seeing you in a cage for a second longer,” she said, “But, I can’t just open the door and let you out. There are too many wolves around looking for a good hunt.”

  Tess let out a sigh and looked around. Most of the pack was told to stay put on the grounds. Even though their instincts urged them all to shift and hunt by the light of the moon, they were still all grounded for safety; by order of the alpha.

  “Well, it’s pretty late. Maybe most of them have started heading off to bed,” she whispered, “I got the keys from the guard. Maybe I can sneak you out.”

  Connor shifted and started shivering in the cold air.

  “You know as well as I that it would only take two minutes for the entire pack to be on my tail. Tess, the safest place for both of us is if I just wait right here.”

  “Then could you tell me why you even bothered to come?” Tess asked.

  Connor sat and leaned against the back side of the cage.

  “I talked to my dad. The Moon Runners were attacked. There was smoke and bodies lying around our den. I doubt that’s the last we’ll see from the bears and I fear they’ll make their way here soon enough. My pack is planning to go to war with the bears. All the elders agree with my dad. Dad thinks he has the numbers to take on the bears but I know he doesn’t. He’s become blind to the truth.”

  After taking in what Connor told her, she silently leaned her head against the bars to be closer to Connor.

  “I bet my dad’s thinking that if the bears do enough damage to the Moon Runners then we can finish this feud the hard way. With your pack planning to go to war, my father’s plan will work out exactly as intended. This is not good,” she said with a sigh, “I’ve tried telling him that we need to fight together but he’s just as stubborn as your dad.”

  Connor leaned forward in his cage and kissed Tess on the cheek. She smiled at the sentiment. But, their moment was cut short by a howl in the woods; a howl that signaled an attack.

  Tess looked about, confused, as did many of the other shifters nearby who were stepping out of their homes to hear. She gazed into the forest. The moonlight barely filtered through the trees and she could just make out large muscular shapes coming closer.

  Then from the tree line they struck. Tess gasped from the sheer numbers that advanced on the den. Her father stepped out to the porch and before saying a word he shifted and howl
ed loudly to the rest of the pack.

  The gathered numbers all shifted and charged at the attacking bears. Tess looked up at her brother’s window and feared that he might need her protection, but he was already standing at the window with Cynthia under his arm.

  “Now’s your chance!” he shouted, “take him and go!”

  Tess nodded. He was right; this would be the only chance she’d have to get Connor out of her father’s clutches.

  “You need to get out of here,” Connor said.

  “No, I need to get you out of here,” she replied.

  She shuffled through the purloined keys, trying each one in turn as fast as she could. Connor could see a large bear behind her; it must have had her in mind as an easy target as it began to charge.

  Click, sounded the key, and Tess opened the bars just in time for Connor to shift and leap from the cage to stop the attacker. His jaws chomped down hard on the bear’s neck, and the bear roared while swiping at Connor.

  Tess watched as Connor fought. He may have been outmatched in terms of strength, but the bear was slow and Connor did well to exploit his advantage. She couldn’t help but smile stupidly at Connor’s fighting. Knowing it was beat, the bear limped off to join its companions near the tree line.

  Tess bundled up some of the clothing nearby and stuffed it into the crook of her arm. From her pocket she produced the key to Connor’s truck, hoping that it might start up and carry them to safety.

  The two sprinted through the battlefield together, dodging whatever might fall in their path. And, only when they were at the truck did they let out a sigh of relief.

  Connor leapt into the bed of the truck, keeping a watchful eye out for any bear that may attack. Tess slid into the driver’s seat twisting the key in the ignition, bringing the truck to life. But, the bear from before must have been watching them. It gave charge at the sudden noise of the roaring engine, and hammered its full weight into the side of the truck, rocking the vehicle.

  Connor gave in to his bloodthirst and dove onto the bear but it paid him no mind and continued its assault on the truck. Connor held onto the beasts back as tightly as he could while still chomping into its neck. The bear continued to chase the truck down the driveway, raking the sides of the truck with its claws.

  The truck was starting to pull away and Tess could see that Connor was lost in his attack.

  “Connor!” she shouted to the wolf.

  It took a moment for him to register what he’d heard. He’d given himself over to the beast inside and had to fight to remember himself. When he came to his senses he leapt off the bear and narrowly landed in the truck bed.

  Again, the bear hammered into the backside of the truck. Metal screeched; Tess screamed from the fear of the attack and floored the gas. The distance became too great and the bear finally gave up its onslaught.

  Tess finally exhaled after not realizing how long she’d been holding her breath. Connor stood guard in the bed as he watched the den ignite in flames.

  They drove in silence and given the chaos that they’d just left, neither of them were willing to speak.

  Chapter 8

  Two hours passed until the silence was finally broken.

  “What are we going to do,” Tess asked.

  Connor was silent and in thought. He’d already changed into the clothing that Tess brought along. It was loose and dirty but at least it covered him.

  “We need to find a place to sleep,” he said.

  They continued down the road for a while longer until a small town sprung up around them. It couldn’t have been more than three blocks in length with nothing more than a small market and a few scattered shops. In the distance, on the far side of town, a motel sign caught their eye and Connor pulled into the small lot.

  The front desk was lit by a single covered lamp, and in the back of the office was a television flashing the newest late night shows for the clerk. Connor dinged the bell for service and the clerk reluctantly joined them in the foyer.

  “What can I do for you,” he asked.

  “One room for the night,” Connor said.

  “I’ll need a valid credit card,” the clerk replied.

  Connor searched the jeans Tess gave him and found a wallet stashed in one of the pockets. He pulled the only card inside and handed it to the clerk. The clerk busily wrote down a few of the details and reached under the desk for a key and offered it to Connor.

  “Room 5, two doors down; checkout is at 11 a.m. tomorrow, have a good night.”

  With that, the clerk returned to his television show and Connor gathered Tess from the truck. The two walked hand in hand to the room that waited for them.

  Inside was a single large bed that dominated the space. A chair sat behind a table that rested by the only window, which faced the parking lot. Connor drew the curtain closed and bolted both locks on the door.

  Tess plopped to the bed which bounced under her weight.

  “We should probably clean ourselves up,” Connor said.

  Tess nodded and made for the single bathroom in the back of the room. Connor sat at the window and peeked through the tiny slit the curtains left.

  Before she disappeared behind the bathroom door she stood still, staring at Connor as he watched vigilantly over their safety. He had protected her life twice in a single day. It was then that she realized that it wasn’t just his looks, but truly the man deep inside that she loved.

  Connor, on the other hand was worried. His truck was easy to spot and there was nowhere nearby to hide the vehicle. If any bear happened to drive by, and recognize it, they would be in for some trouble.

  He also worried about Tess. If anything happened to her he had no idea what he would do with himself. She was quickly becoming his reason to keep pushing forward. Without her in his life, he might have just stayed with his pack, and probably died with them.

  There was the dilemma that plagued him. Was she worth more to him than his family? But, he already knew the answer, and it was an emphatic yes. Thinking of his pack felt as though thinking of the past, but Tess had him considering his future.

  The sound of the shower sprang to life. Tess poked her head out of the bathroom door, and with her dirty covered hair and grubby face, she beamed a smile that Connor wouldn’t soon forget.

  “Am I taking this shower alone?” she asked with a coy grin.

  Connor smiled.

  “Someone should keep watch,” he said.

  Tess rolled her eyes.

  “We have a two hour head start,” she said, “I think we have time for one shower.”

  Connor was nothing if not intrigued by her proposal. Outside, nothing moved in the darkness and he felt safe for the moment. He knew she was probably right, the odds of them being found tonight were slim, and more than likely the bears still had their hands full with the Night Howlers.

  He tore the shirt from his body, and Tess stole a glance at his muscular physique. Part of her knew that she should be more worried about their situation, but this was the first night she’d spent in a room with Connor, alone.

  Her adrenaline was still pumping from their escape, and her heart was still racing with anticipation. She wanted to be closer to Connor. She was beginning to understand how much he really meant. However, she didn’t know how to approach him as a woman. She only really understood the beast inside.

  “What are you staring at,” he asked.

  Her eyes went wide as she realized she hadn’t taken her eyes off him for a while. Tess ducked behind the door, feeling embarrassed.

  Connor joined her shortly and tore off what remained of his clothing. She had seen him naked plenty of times on their runs together, but tonight it was something special. Seeing him bare himself before her sent her breath quickening.

  Tess stepped into the shower, pulling the curtain closed behind her, and only then did she take off her clothes. Connor pulled the curtain open enough for his head to fit through.

  “What’s gotten into you?” he asked.
r />   “Nothing,” she said, nervously.

  Connor could sense her nerves and pulled the drape closed as he exited.

  “You know I’ve seen you naked plenty of times,” he said.

  Tess threw her wet clothing over the shower curtain.

  “Alright, I’ll take one after you-”

  “It’s not that,” she interrupted.

  “Then what is it?” he asked.

  Tess didn’t know how to put her feelings into words, but tried her best.

  “When we go running, and lie together, it just feels like instinct. I’ve never been close with you before,” she said.

  “What do you mean by close?” he wondered.

  “We’ve never,” she coughed, “been intimate.”

  Connor laughed and pulled the shower curtain open.

  “Is that all you’re worried about?” Connor said.

  Tess did her best to cover herself with her hands, and Connor got the hint. He didn’t leave right away but instead waited at the precipice of the shower.

  “You are the most perfect creature I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” he said.

  Tess felt a little more confident and leaned in close to kiss Connor on the lips. He smiled and returned her affections, then reached his arm to cradle her around her back. The warmth of his touch sent shivers down her spine.

  His large powerful hands covered almost the length of her entire back and more of her fear melted away. His other arm reached around to hug her around the waist and she felt at ease in his embrace.

  With a playful tug, Tess pulled Connor into the shower. The dirt from his face drifted away with the flowing water. His hand reached around her neck and he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Her muscles released what remained of their tension.

  Her pert nipples pressed into his chest and the sensation excited him. His cock began to throb and pressed against her stomach. She reached out a hand and stroked the length of his long shaft. The water continued to flow over them both and she could already feel her own arousal deep inside.

  She pulled her face from the kiss and smiled, lowering herself in the shower to meet with his growing beast. She stroked his shaft with her hand; he tossed his head back and moaned from the feeling that shot through his body.


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